Initiate a Verified Payout


The following steps will guide you through completing a refund:

  1. Request a PIS dedicated access token
  2. Trigger the payout providing the session_id of the original payment
  3. Verify the payment on callback such that the payment status and order ID matches
  4. Listen to Webhook to intercept payments status change events as a redundant channel to the redirect callback

🚧 Important

Signature, digest, date and x-request-id headers are optional in SANDBOX environment but mandatory when calling the PRODUCTION one.

💡 Note

A Payout will initiate a link to the payee which will require to authenticate to his bank to share his IBAN, before a payout can be done

A Fintecture Payout account needs to be configured beforehand. Contact Support.

Payment Session statuses

Below are detailed the payment statuses encountered in the case of a verified payout.

💡 Note

Do not hesitate to consult all of the payment statuses for more information.