Console Payment Session Status

The below table shows the different status a payment may have in the Console dashboard and its definition.

CompletedPayment is completed, the payer has paid and founds have been recoveredFinal
CancelledPayment has been cancelled by either the payer or the merchantFinal
UnsuccessfulPayment was rejected by either the payer or the bankFinal or Intermediate
CoveredPayment is covered and merchandise can be sent. It is a BNPL dedicated status indicating that the insurer accepts to insure the paymentIntermediate
PendingPayment is currently pending or in the process of being createdIntermediate
WaitingThe request to pay has been generated and is waiting for payerIntermediate
ExpiredPayment session link has expired and cannot be used anymore. A new one is needed if payment has not been processedFinal
OverpaidPayer has paid more than expected (Smart Transfer dedicated status)Final
PartialPayer has paid only a part of expected amount (Smart Transfer dedicated status)Intermediate 
Payout validationPrepared payout is waiting for an internal validation (Payout dedicated status)Intermediate

💡 Note

The Unsuccessful status can be either considered as Final or Intermediate depending how your shop is setup. This option can be managed in your Fintecture console in the shop configuration.