Initiate a Request To Pay


  1. Collect payment information on your website
  2. Request a PIS dedicated access token
  3. Initiate a Request to Pay indicating which method you want to use (sms, mail or link)

πŸ’‘ Note

Depending on the method:
- sms: a sms including a redirection link is sent directly to your customer
- mail: a mail including a redirection link is sent directly to your customer
- link: you are provided with a link for redirecting your customer.

In all cases we provide you with a session_id which is the unique identifier associated to the payment

  1. Use the session_id to check the payment's status
  2. Listen to Webhook to intercept payments status change events

B2C RecipePostmanDiagram

Payment statuses

Below are detailed the payment statuses encountered in the case of a request to pay.

πŸ’‘ Note

Do not hesitate to consult all of the payment statuses for more information.