Initiate a Request To Pay


  1. Collect payment information on your website
  2. Request a PIS dedicated access token
  3. Initiate a Request to Pay indicating which method you want to use (sms, mail or link)

💡 Note

Depending on the method:
- sms: a sms including a redirection link is sent directly to your customer
- mail: a mail including a redirection link is sent directly to your customer
- link: you are provided with a link for redirecting your customer.

In all cases we provide you with a session_id which is the unique identifier associated to the payment

  1. Use the session_id to check the payment's status
  2. Listen to Webhook to intercept payments status change events

🚧 Important

Signature, digest, date and x-request-id headers are optional in SANDBOX environment but mandatory when calling the PRODUCTION one.

B2C RecipePostmanDiagram

Payment statuses

Below are detailed the payment statuses encountered in the case of a request to pay.

💡 Note

Do not hesitate to consult all of the payment statuses for more information.