Monitor your payments
All of your payments can be found in this section, regardless of where they have been generated from (such as No Code Shop, CMS Shop, or API).
Understanding your payments
Payments are listed from the most recent to the oldest, split into pages with a maximum of 10 elements per page. The shown columns include:
- Session created: payment session creation date
- Reference: reference as indicated when creating the payment
- Name: payer name
- Type: payment session type (get the full list here)
- Status: payment session status (get the full list here)
- Amount: payment session amount
More details about the payment can be provided by clicking on it .
Filtering your payments
We provide you with multiple ways for filtering your payments:
- Search field: all payments matching entered
- Date from: all payments created from this date
- Date to: all payments created til this date
- Type: all payments that match selected type (get the full list here)
- Status: all payments that match selected status (get the full list here)
- Environment: all payments proceeded on selected environment (sandbox/production)
- Shops and Apps: all payments proceeded for selected shop/app
- Created by: all payments created by selected team member (user login)
Filters are applied directly to the fill or selection and can be combined for more specific results. This allows users to refine their search or selection criteria to find exactly what they are looking for.
Exporting your payment
All payments can be exported in CSV format. This allows you to easily download and transfer payment data to other systems or applications for further analysis or record-keeping.
Updated 10 months ago