Register a client application

Go to the navigation tab and click on developer_modeDevelopers
In the main page click on Create an application

This is a 5 steps process that you will go through:

  1. Information: Provide the necessary fields such as your application name, an optional description, its desired environment and an associated bank account
  2. Payment: Configure the payment methods you want to add to your application (options depend on the contract you signed), choose payment options and add potential customization
  3. Email: Configure everything about e-mails
  4. SMS: Configure everything about sms
  5. Urls: Optionally fill redirection Urls for us to know where to redirect your customers and configure webhooks to get realtime event notifications

💡 Note

At the end of the process please take note of your app_id, app_secret and app_private_key as these are your keys to access our APIs.

🚧 Be aware

The app_secret and app_private_key must be stored safely in a backend environment, i.e. not in a client-side bundle, nor in a mobile app.