Generate a Request To Pay with Immediate Transfer
Go to the navigation tab and click on paymentGet paid
One provides 4 manners of sending your Request To Pay with Immediate Transfer:
By email
Click on mail_outlinePay by email
- In case of multiple payment methods associated to your shop, select Fintecture transfer
- In the Payment details section :
- Choose the Application or shop you wish to receive the funds from (create one in case you do not have one)
- Select a template to be used for the email
- Enter the Amount of the payment
- Enter the Order reference (make sure you choose a reference that will facilitate reconciliation)
- Optionally select the Payment due date
- Optionally enter the Link expiration date (once this date is passed the payment expires)
- In the Client information section :
- Indicate whether the payer is an individual or a company
- Fill in the First name (optional if a company)
- Fill in the Last name (optional if a company)
- Enter the Email address
- Indicate the Company name
- Optionally provide the SIREN number to ensure of the company
- In the Email options section (optional) :
- Fill in all CC emails that can be used to communicate with your customer
- Enter the BCC emails that you want to put in the loop (your accounting team for example)
- Choose the Language to be used for email sending (by default your prefered language)
- Attach any document needed to be attached to your payment request (only one allowed)
Click on Send the payment link by email
On click email is sent and a new payment line appears in your insert_chart_outlinedPayments
💡 NoteCreated payment is of type RequestToPay in status Waiting which means that the payment has not yet been made by your customer
By link
Click on insert_linkPay by link
- In case of multiple payment methods associated to your shop, select Fintecture transfer
- In the Payment details section :
- Choose the Application or shop you wish to receive the funds from (create one in case you do not have one)
- Enter the Amount of the payment
- Enter the Order reference (make sure you choose a reference that will facilitate reconciliation)
- Optionally select the Payment due date
- Optionally enter the Link expiration date (once this date is passed the payment expires)
- In the Client information section :
- Indicate whether the payer is an individual or a company
- Fill in the First name (optional if a company)
- Fill in the Last name (optional if a company)
- Enter the Email address
- Indicate the Company name
- Optionally provide the SIREN number to ensure of the company
Click on Create a payment link
On click payment link is provided and a new payment line appears in your insert_chart_outlinedPayments
💡 NoteCreated payment is of type RequestToPay in status Waiting which means that the payment has not yet been made by your customer
By sms
Click on phone_iphonePay by SMS
- In the Payment details section :
- Choose the Application or shop you wish to receive the funds from (create one in case you do not have one)
- Enter the Amount of the payment
- Enter the Order reference (make sure you choose a reference that will facilitate reconciliation)
- Optionally select the Payment due date
- Optionally enter the Link expiration date (once this date is passed the payment expires)
- In the Mobile information section :
- Indicate the Phone Number by selecting the target country and filling in the payer's local phone number
- Optionally add a Message. Payment link will be integrated following your message.
Click on Send SMS
On click sms is sent and a new payment line appears in your insert_chart_outlinedPayments
💡 NoteCreated payment is of type RequestToPay in status Waiting which means that the payment has not yet been made by your customer
Bulk payment
Click on view_moduleBulk payment
Bulk payment allows you to send multiple payments at once.
🚧 ImportantOnly 30 payment requests maximum is allowed.
- Select a template to be used. Fintecture provides some of them but you can also create your own
- Choose the Application or shop you wish to receive the funds from (create one in case you do not have one)
- Import CSV file by dropping it or selecting it from your local drive
Click on Send by mail
On click multiple emails are sent and associated payment lines appear in your insert_chart_outlinedPayments
💡 NoteCreated payments are of type RequestToPay in status Waiting which means that the payment has not yet been made by your customer
Updated 10 months ago