SANDBOX cases simulation

In order to validate your Fintecture's integration, it is important to ensure all cases are covered.
Depending on the payment method you will find below some scenarios to help you reproduce the different statuses one can encounter.

Immediate transfer

💡 Note

Please note that we rely on banks' sandboxes to reach those statuses. While we do our best to keep the documentation up to date, do not hesitate to contact us in case of a problem

Console statusAPI statusCountryConnect scenario
Waitingprovider_requiredAllNo action needed in Connect
(default status)
Waitingsca_requiredFRFollow this scenario:
  • Select Crédit Mutuel
  • Click on "Continue on Crédit Mutuel"
  • Completedpayment_createdFRFollow this scenario:
  • Select Credit Mutuel
  • Click on "Continue on Crédit Mutuel"
  • Click on "Se connecter"
  • Click on "Confirmer"
  • Unsuccessfulpayment_unsuccessfulFRFollow this scenario:
  • Select Credit Mutuel
  • Click on "Continue on Crédit Mutuel"
  • Click on "Se connecter"
  • Click on "Abandonner"
  • Pendingpayment_pendingFRFollow this scenario:
  • Select CIC Privée
  • Click on "Continue on CIC Privée"
  • Click on "Se connecter"
  • Click on "Abandonner"
  • Cancelledpayment_cancelledAllNo action needed in Connect
    (action is to be done directly in the Console or by API using the PATCH /pis/v2/payments/session_id)
    Expiredpayment_expiredAllNo action needed in Connect
    (set 1 second expiry on session's creation)

    Smart Transfer

    💡 Note

    Some Smart Transfer cases will require our event simulator to simulate customer's transactions

    Console statusAPI statusCountryConnect scenario
    Waitingprovider_requiredAllNo action needed in Connect
    (default status)
    Waitingsca_requiredAllFollow this scenario:
  • Select Bank Transfer (if payment method selector screen)
  • Pendingpayment_pendingAllFollow this scenario:
  • Select Bank Transfer (if payment method selector screen)
  • Click on "Display the beneficiary's IBAN"
  • Click on "Complete the bank transfer" then "I confirm"
  • Partialpayment_partialAllFollow this scenario:
  • Select Bank Transfer (if payment method selector screen)
  • Click on "Display the beneficiary's IBAN"
  • Simulate a transaction with an amount that is inferior to the requested one
  • Click on "Complete the bank transfer" then "I confirm"
  • Completedpayment_createdAllFollow this scenario:
  • Select Bank Transfer (if payment method selector screen)
  • Click on "Display the beneficiary's IBAN"
  • Simulate a transaction with the requested amount
  • Click on "Complete the bank transfer" then "I confirm"
  • Overpaidpayment_createdAllFollow this scenario:
  • Select Bank Transfer (if payment method selector screen)
  • Click on "Display the beneficiary's IBAN"
  • Simulate a transaction with an amount that is superior to the requested one
  • Click on "Complete the bank transfer" then "I confirm"
  • Cancelledpayment_cancelledAllNo action needed in Connect
    (action is to be done directly in the Console or by API using the PATCH /pis/v2/payments/session_id)
    Expiredpayment_expiredAllNo action needed in Connect
    (set 1 second expiry on session's creation)

    Buy Now Pay Later

    💡 Note

    To facilitate testing the bnpl scenarios, the interactions with the insurance api are mocked for the SIRENs below, each providing a possible outcome. Those SIRENs have to be either used on creation (Console / API) or directly in Connect (CMS)

    Console statusAPI statusCountrySIRENScenarioInsurer
    Waitingprovider_requiredAllAllNo action needed in Connect
    (default status)
  • Generate a Connect session (using Console, CMS or the API) for indicated SIREN
  • Simulate the customer flow using the Connect session (quotation will be refused)
  • KO--
  • Generate a Connect session (using Console, CMS or the API) for indicated SIREN
  • Simulate the whole customer flow using the Connect session (cover activation will be refused)
  • OKKO-
  • Generate a Connect session (using Console, CMS or the API) for indicated SIREN
  • Simulate the whole customer flow using the Connect session
  • Settlement will be scheduled and refused
  • OKOK-
    Unsuccessfulpayment_unsuccessfulAllN/ANot reproductible---
  • Generate a Connect session (using Console, CMS or the API) for indicated SIREN
  • Simulate the whole customer flow using the Connect session
  • Settlement will be scheduled to proceed successfully 10 mins later
  • Generate a Connect session (using Console, CMS or the API) for indicated SIREN
  • Simulate the whole customer flow using the Connect session and sign the e-mandate
  • Settlement will be scheduled to proceed successfully 10 mins later
    Cancelledpayment_cancelledAllAllNo action needed in Connect
    (action is to be done directly in the Console or by API using the PATCH /pis/v2/payments/session_id)
    Expiredpayment_expiredAllAllNo action needed in Connect
    (set 1 second expiry on session's creation)