Set your Wordpress preferences

These sections allow you to maximize your adoption rate with the Fintecture payment gateway.

Checkout design

With the checkout design section in the configuration of the Fintecture plugin, you can choose what your customers will see when they arrive in the checkout page.

You have the choice between three design :

  1. Immediate Transfer

Immediate Transfer WordPress

  1. Immediate and Smart Transfer - Long version

Immediate & Smart Transfer long version

  1. Immediate and Smart Transfer - Short version

Immediate & Smart Transfer short version

Checkout position

You can place Fintecture payment method in the first position of payment methods list in the checkout page by enabled the option in the configuration.

  1. Check the Enable first position depending of cart amount box
  2. Define a minimal cart amount to place Fintecture in first position (in €). By default, it's at 0€
  3. Save your change

First position

Promotion of the Fintecture payment method

This option allow you to add a "recommended" badge on the Fintecture payment method in the checkout.
To activate it, you just need to check the Recommend the payment method on checkout page box and save your change.


Recommended badge