Payment Transfer States

The below table shows the different states a transfer may have and their definition.

💡 Note

Consider the payment session status as the main status to track a payment. In certain cases such as Smart Transfer, additional information can be retrieved using the transfer state.

completedThe payment settlement is completedFinal *
sentThe payment is being processed and the bank does not return settlement informationFinal *
processingThe payment is being processedIntermediate
pendingThe payment is pending for execution (in the case of deferred payments)Intermediate
authorizedThe payer has authorized the paymentIntermediate
acceptedThe payment was accepted by the bankIntermediate
receivedThe payment has been received in the payment accountFinal
overpaidThe payment is above the expectedIntermediate
rejectedThe payment has been rejected (see reasons in APPENDIX)Final **
insufficientThe payment is below the expectedIntermediate

* If a Fintecture Payment Account exists, the status received will then overpass the completed and sent which both become Intermediate states.

** Only if payment unsuccessful retries is disabled