JUMP TOAPI EXPLORERauthenticationCreate access tokenpostCreate refresh tokenpostapplicationsGet all applicationsgetprovidersGet all providersgetGet a specific providergetpaymentsCreate a refundpostGet payment refundsgetGet specific paymentgetUpdate a paymentpatchGet all paymentsgetCreate a Payment SessionpostCreate a Request To PaypostpayoutsCreate a Request For PayoutpostsettlementsGet all settlementsgetGet specific settlementgettransactionsList all transactionsgetGet specific transactiongetSimulate a transactionpostcustomersList all customersgetCreate CustomerpostGet a customergetList all customer bank accountsgetCreate Customer Bank AccountpostGet a bank account from a customergetList all customer verificationsgetInitiate Customer VerificationpostGet a verificationgetaccountsGet provider's authorizationgetGet all accountsgetGet specific accountgetGet account transactionsgetGet account holdersgetDelete provider's connectiondeleteGet AIS Connect sessiongetPowered by Create a refundpost https://api-sandbox.fintecture.com/pis/v2/refundThis endpoint gives merchants the possibility to initiate a refund. A refund can either be full or partial. By default it will be done to the original payment account but one can specify a payout account if needed. 💡 NoteSome examples can be viewed using the example dropdown